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Top 5 Perks of Solar Powered Attic Fans

July 2, 2021

Why Are Solar Panels Always Optimistic? They Keep Their Sunny Side Up! Ba-dum-ching!

If your home gets hot in the summer, a solar powered attic fan may be the perfect additon to your home's insulation.  Attic fans in general pull the heat out of your attic.  This allows your attic, thus your home, to stay cooler without over working your A/C system.

But why solar?

1. Zero Cost to Run

Standard line-powered fans cost more to operate than they generate in savings.  Solar attic fans rely on the sun and require $0 to run!

2. Safety

Standard line-powered fans can create zones of negative pressure, which risks pulling conditioned air from the house into the attic and the dangerous possibility of pulling gases from combustion appliances back into the house.

Solar-powered fans don't draw nearly as much air as line-powered fans.  Solar fans pull the right amount to cool the attic without introducing the risk of pulling dangerous gases into your home.

3. Tax Credits

Solar attic fans qualify for the Federal Renewable Energy Tax Credit, putting 26% of the entire materials and labor costs back into your pocket!  Cha-ching!

4. Quiet

Standard line-powered fans are known to be loud. Solar fans are whisper quiet because they are equipped with poly vinyl blades and have an efficient motor.

5. Nearly Indestructible

Solar Attic fans are tough!  They can withstand hail, storms, wind, and all weather.  But just in case, they also come with a lifetime warranty for peace of mind.

Contact Koala Insulation of St. Louis today to beat the heat! Stay cool. Stay Calm. Stay Comfy.

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