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Earth Day and Eco-Friendly Insulation

April 19, 2022

With Earth Day, April 22, and the St. Louis Earth Day Festival (April 23-24) at the Muny Grounds in Forest Park right around the corner, the excitement around taking care of our planet is growing. Continuous research is still being done on more sustainable energy sources over the years to combat current environmental issues. Some of these issues can be identified as biodiversity loss, deforestation, and climate change, so being eco-friendly is in their highest demand.

If you’re looking to make a difference for the environment, better insulating your home will help you achieve your mission. An obvious benefit to upgrading your home's current insulation to a consumer is the protection of heat loss during the winters and heat obtained during the summers, which ultimately result in lower energy bills, but did you know that it positively impacts the environment as well? When your home is more efficient, your heating and cooling units will operate less, resulting in lower emissions from these components. A difference can be made if everyone does their part, but the environmental benefits to insulation do not stop there!

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There are different types of insulation available, but all have environmental benefits in their production or performance. These types of insulation include cellulose, spray foam, and fiberglass.


Environmental benefits with cellulose insulation do not start at the install, it actually begins in production. Cellulose is comprised of 80-85 percent recycled paper product and news printing, leading to less paper waste. Cellulose also provides benefits with being comprised of boric acid (ammonium sulfate) which provides flame retardants and repels insects. Cellulose is available in a loose fill application that is installed via a machine operation for attic floors and finished drywall.


Fiberglass is similar to cellulose in it effect to be environmentally friendly at production and installment. Fiberglass, given the name, is comprised of wasted glass, as well as plastic, that has been ground down to a powder. Once this powder is heated with fiber binding agents at extreme temperatures the glass and fibers expand. Fiberglass presents itself with a longer life as it is more age and settle resistant compared to cellulose. Fiberglass is available in loose-fill applications as well as batt insulation.

Spray Foam

Spray foam, although a chemically produced product that’s ingredients are nasty at time application, has impressive home efficiency performance to keep you heating and cooling emissions at a minimum. Spray foam is the most efficient category of insulation due to its outstanding R-value per inch of material, resulting in less material used compared to any other insulation type. Categories of spray foam, such as closed cell foam can even reinforce the structure of your home resulting in less consumption of raw materials for home repair. This application is available in different types of applications for different conditions and materials.

The experts on insulation at Koala Insulation of St. Louis are proud to be helping the greater St. Louis area become more Eco-friendly and knowledgeable about their home efficiency. Contact Koala Insulation today to see how you can improve your home and the environment!


Koala Insulation of St. Louis – Delivering Efficiency. Improving Comfort. ®

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