How To Determine Your Naples,FL Home Is Under-insulated.
There are a plethora of bases you need to cover to ensure your home is comfortable and safe; from the lawn care outside to the maintenance of your systems in the home, there’s a long list to be sure you’re covering. One area that suffers from the “out of sight, out of mind” treatment from many homeowners, however, is a crucial part in keeping your home cozy and functional all year - insulation.
While at first glance it may not seem like the material has much of a stake in anything except covering your attic floor, insulation is a significant contributor in your home life. So much so, that an under-insulated building can start running up bills and fees for homeowners. While regular evaluations and keeping in contact with a local industry expert can help you stay on top of any insulation upgrades or installs you may need, here are a few signs that you have an under-insulated building.
Irregular Temperatures
Insulation is installed in your home to control heat transfer, which is the rate at which heat enters or escapes your building. Without properly installed insulation, your walls turn into the equivalent of open doors and windows throughout your home, letting heat travel throughout without any resistance. If you notice one room of your home or even one side of the house tends to be hotter or cooler than the rest, there’s most likely something wrong with your insulation coverage. An under-insulated building will put more stress on the HVAC system to heat or cool areas throughout the house that won’t retain the correct temperature, leading to higher costs and maintenance fees. We discuss how proper insulation contributes to your home’s energy efficiency later on in this article.
Drafts and Cold Spots
Having new and updated insulation throughout your home also reduces drafts and cold spots you may find throughout the house. Not only does insulation help reduce the rate of heat transfer, but it’s typically paired with air sealant to stop outside air from coming into the building. If you’re noticing more drafts or areas where the temperature suddenly changes, call your local insulation experts before the Ghostbusters. Your insulation contractors won’t just be looking throughout your attic to remove and reinstall or upgrade your current insulation. Instead, they inspect a majority of your house from the basement and crawl spaces to the ceiling joists. This is to ensure you don’t have any problematic air leakage, cracks and holes, or uninsulated pockets that could be contributing to unwanted airflow in the building.
Mold Growth or Moisture Problems
Insulation can work for or against moisture retention. If improperly installed or not evaluated after heavy storms or building damage, it can pack in the moisture and contribute to mold growth, depending on the type of insulation you have installed. However, when there’s the right amount of coverage and the job is done by a knowledgeable industry expert, most insulation materials have properties that actually resist moisture and reduce the retention in your building.
For example, Florida is known for its overbearing humidity in most of the state - if you happen to try to DIY insulation on a hot, humid day in the year, you’re more than likely going to be trapped in some unwanted moisture. By having an insulation contractor guiding you through the process or installing the material for you, you can significantly reduce your risk of mold growth and water damage.
Pest Infestation
Not having your home properly insulated isn't necessarily going to be what attracts pests, just like having a perfectly insulated building isn't necessarily going to absolutely keep rodents and insects away. However, deteriorated and old insulation material is a great place for these unwanted guests to make their homes and, occasionally, feed off of. Certain types of insulation break down faster over time when they aren't maintained or updated at regular intervals, meaning types like blown-in or loose-fill insulation become a great source of nesting for insects to hide in and rodents to keep warm in cooler months. By keeping your insulation well maintained and consulting your insulation contractor about types that can help deter pests, you're adding another preventative measure to your home's defenses.
Higher Utility Bills
We initially talked about how insulation's primary function is temperature regulation and reducing the rate of heat transfer. This process significantly contributes to your home's energy efficiency, HVAC system, and even your carbon footprint. In an under-insulated building, the HVAC system needs to work harder in order to heat or cool down rooms throughout the home,
not only contributing to higher energy consumption but also the reduced lifespan of the unit, which increases maintenance fees. After your home has been evaluated, reinsulated, and in some cases retrofitted, you're putting less pressure on your systems and wasting less energy.
Contacting a Local Insulation Expert
While many homeowners are aware that insulation is a part of their home's necessary materials, there are significantly fewer that understand its importance. From reducing mold growth and pests to helping keep your home cozy and temperature regulated, insulation has a hand in many aspects of a house's functionality. While it may not seem like much at first glance, having an under-insulated home can be driving up costs and maintenance fees that you may not initially connect back to the worn-down material.
Our team of insulation technicians at Koala Insulation of Southwest Florida is here to help you and your household become the next industry experts. It's important to know that good insulation and proper coverage don't need to mean constant updates, semi-annual insulation, and ever-increasing fees and costs. Keeping your home safe and comfortable without sacrificing your budget is our number one priority. Contact our team today to schedule a free evaluation and learn more about your home's insulation needs.
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We Provide Insulation Services to the Following Southwest Florida Areas
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