What Keeps Bears Warm During Hibernation?

A common wintertime myth is that bears are asleep for the whole season, essentially shutting down their systems to survive the harsh cold. Instead, hibernation is more about slowing down a bear's bodily function – they sleep a lot more and don't need to eat, drink, or urinate for a majority of the season. The key to their survival is the fat stores that keep their bodies comfortable and safe. Essentially, they've insulated their bodies to survive the cold and keep on a few extra pounds to burn throughout winter.
What does this have in common with Koala Insulation of Southeast Denver? Hibernating bears prioritize many of the same principles we do – keeping their environment safe and warm for the winter without losing too much crucial heat throughout the colder months. While your local insulation contractor may not be able to answer how low a bear can drop its body temperature, they can educate you and your household on the impacts of frigid temperatures on your home. Insulation experts can actually learn a lot from hibernating bears since the conservation efforts of both can help keep a family warm throughout winter.
Comparing Your Home to a Bear
While your home isn't necessarily packing on fat during the winter months (which certainly wouldn't smell the best for 4 or 5 months out of the year), it uses similar principles to keep you and your household warm. Instead, your home is filled with insulation, initially installed as the building was being constructed. However, what many first-time homeowners and even those who have been living in their homes for years may not realize, is that you need to regularly inspect the material.
This is because even though many insulation types should be able to last upwards of 15 years, various factors can rapidly increase the rate of deterioration. The fat stored up by bears only lasts for that season and needs to be reestablished every fall; similarly, insulation needs to be periodically removed and updated. Moisture, pest infestation, and other damages cause the material to break down and, if not taken care of early enough, could greatly affect surrounding insulation.
The Importance of Insulation
Insulation helps keep your house warm in the winter by regulating heat transfer. The material reduces the rate at which heat enters or escapes a building, contributing to temperature regulation throughout the year. This is why underinsulated buildings experience drafts, reduced indoor air quality, and even higher utility bills – in many cases, it’s almost as bad as leaving a window or door open and letting out conditioned air or heat.
When your local insulation expert comes in to evaluate the home, they're not just looking at the deterioration and age of your current insulation. They check for underinsulated or poorly covered areas, air leaks and problematic holes or cracks in the building envelope, and even potential hazards like moisture retention and mold growth on existing insulation. By scheduling an insulation upgrade, you're not only preparing for a warm winter but ensuring the integrity of your home.
Helping Your House Hibernate
Luckily, you don't need to go through the insulation process every winter like a bear will have to. While these animals lose their store fat after a month or two of activity in the spring, well-maintained insulation can last for years. Depending on the material, your home's insulation can keep the environment temperature regulated for upwards of 15 years, meaning less maintenance and reinstallation. This comes from a careful evaluation of your home's needs, preparation before installation, and ensuring adequate coverage while fitting the material throughout the house.
Home maintenance experts agree that insulating your house before the cooler months roll around is crucial to staying warm. One industry expert explains it's similar to putting on an extra layer; by ensuring there's quality coverage and air sealing to cover any gaps or cracks that could be letting out crucial indoor heat, you're not only saving your HVAC system from extra work but also your utility bills.
Learn More with Your Southeast Denver Experts
Thermal research and insulation capabilities are continuously being developed and improved. Researchers are still studying bear hibernation habits, with some even using certain species as inspiration for new synthetic materials. While this new material won't be coming to your front door for another few years, it's important to still treat the building like a hibernating bear. The insulation inside needs to be prepared and well-installed before the colder months to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.
At Koala Insulation of Southwest Denver, our team admittedly has more experience in insulation and air sealing than researching bears and their hibernation habits. However, as industry experts, we understand the common denominator between the two – the need for an efficient job to be done. Our evaluations allow us to do a full review of your home’s current condition and work with you and your household to determine the best course of action that will keep you comfortable without breaking the budget. Contact our team today to learn more about the importance of insulation and to schedule a free evaluation.
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