Q&A series: "Finding Success with Koala Insulation" with Clint Cobia, Owner of KI of the Palm Beaches
Uncover the secrets behind the success of our top franchise owners in our new Q&A series, "Finding Success with Koala Insulation." In this exciting installment, we sit down with Clint Cobia, owner of KI of the Palm Beaches, and discover his secrets to running a thriving franchise.
How do you measure your success? I measure success in various ways across different aspects of business and life. Financial success is an obvious factor, but it's not about a specific number. Instead, it's about how finances afford me the time to pursue other business opportunities or be fully present with my family. Team success is gauged by creating a fun and safe work environment. One of the highest compliments is when a team member expresses their enjoyment working for me. Personally, success is measured by the time spent with my family. Building an exceptional team in the first two years of operation has allowed me to prioritize family time, making Koala a successful venture in my eyes.
How has the franchisor (Koala Insulation) aided in your success? Koala has gone above and beyond since day one to support my success. At the beginning, they assisted in purchasing materials, crucial during the high volatility in the building material market in 2021. Establishing relationships to secure materials when others struggled significantly contributed to getting our business off the ground.
What would you tell future Franchise Partners who wanted to get started? Prepare to work hard in the initial years, but concurrently develop and implement processes. This will enable you to hire and train the right people, allowing you to focus on aspects you enjoy in the business, foster growth, or simply take time for yourself and your family. It's challenging but undoubtedly worth it!
How many territories did you start with and how many do you have now? I started with four territories, and I still have the same number. Reinvestment into the business has primarily gone into new equipment and training new hires or promoting from within.
How many rigs did you start with and how many do you have now? We began with two F-250s, one spray foam rig, and one blow-in rig. Currently, we operate three F-250s, two blow-in rigs, a spray foam rig, and a sales vehicle.
What’s your average ticket price? Our current average ticket price is $3,600.
Anything else you’d like the world to know about business ownership, being awesome 😉, or the Koala Franchise Family? I appreciate Koala's "open door" policy for franchisees. They've provided specialists for every aspect of the business from the start, with a direct line to address any problems or questions, including the CEO. Their receptiveness to feedback for improved processes and products showcases their commitment to the success of individual franchisees and the franchise as a whole.