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Which Spray Foam Is Better For Your Home: Open-Cell or Closed-Cell?

Which Spray Foam Is Better For Your Home: Open-Cell or Closed-Cell?


What is Spray Foam Insulation?

Spray foam insulation is a mixture of chemicals that produce a strong insulator and air sealant. Mixed on-sight, the chemicals are sent through a hose into the stud cavity where they react upon application. Once they’ve hardened, the resulting insulation creates a long-term barrier that has one of the longest lifespans out of your insulation choices.


In most states in the US, your insulation technician needs to be trained and certified to apply spray foam. This helps to ensure they’re able to properly and effectively use the equipment while installing the correct mixture. The training teaches them how to accurately balance the chemicals and apply the solution safely while also guaranteeing the expansion of the foam has set and dried before anyone enters the building without the proper PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).


Spray foam insulation can be applied in between wall beams, ceiling joists, and under the floor. There are two types of this material: closed-cell and open-cell. Each has its own benefits to improve your environment, which can vary depending on the needs of your home. Open-cell spray foam is typically recognized for its bubbly, cloud-like appearance and is most often used in warmer climates. On the other hand, closed-cell spray foam is more rigid and dense, which makes it a popular choice for structural support and moisture resistance. When it comes to choosing the best type of insulation to install throughout a building, it's important to weigh the various benefits and strengths each material has to offer.

Closed-Cell Spray Foam’s Benefits

The R-Value

The resistance value of insulation, more commonly known as the R-value, is the numerical measurement of a material's ability to reduce heat transfer. This is the rate at which heat moves throughout a structure. Closed-cell spray foam has an average of R-6.5 per inch of depth, which is one of the highest R-values out of most insulation types. A higher R-value generally means that less material needs to be applied in order to effectively reduce the movement of heat in a building.



This helps to prevent the entrance of unwanted heat in the summer and heat loss during the winter. Spray foam is also a quality sealant; when the material is applied to a surface, the foam expands and fills any gaps, cracks, or holes in the structure. This reduces air leaks and the entrance of outdoor allergens and pollutants.

A Helpful Moisture Barrier

While R-value is an important factor to consider as you’re deciding between materials, there are a number of other advantages each option can provide. Closed-cell spray foam specifically offers a quality vapor and moisture barrier, which prevents condensation and water from impacting the structure. These kinds of barriers help to reduce the risk of high humidity within your home, which could otherwise create an environment perfect for mold and bacterial growth. Humidity and damp areas can also potentially attract pests such as dust mites, carpenter ants, termites, and more. While pests may threaten the integrity of your structure, mold and bacteria could increase the risk of health hazards and respiratory irritation.

Significant Structural Support

As mentioned earlier, closed-cell spray foam is known for being a rigid material with high density. These traits contribute to the ability of this material to provide some structural support to your building envelope. This spray foam material contributes to the strength of the surface it's applied to, including inside walls, in between the ceiling and floor joists, or even on roofs. While this advantage makes closed-cell spray foam a common choice for industrial and commercial buildings, your home can also greatly benefit from the support provided by this material.


Open-Cell Spray Foam’s Benefits

The R-Value

Open-cell spray foam has an average R-value of about R-3.7 per inch of depth. Although this is significantly lower than closed-cell spray foam, this is still a higher R-value than many other commonly installed materials. As the chemicals react when the material is being applied, the insulation technician can easily add more spray foam to increase the overall R-value based on thickness.

Reducing Noise Pollution

When looking to reduce the noise going on between the rooms or floors of your home, open-cell spray foam is most often considered to be the better option over closed-cell spray foam. This type of spray foam is more porous, which makes it more effective at trapping any sound waves coming from inside or outside of the house. Many insulation materials can provide a little noise reduction by working as a sound barrier in the same way they act as a barrier to heat transfer: the insulation slows the movement of waves through a structure, which helps decrease the noise forming from outside or other rooms.

A Flexible Choice

Open-cell spray foam is a lightweight material, as it weighs only about an average of ½ pound per cubic foot. Because of the interconnected open cells of the foam (where this insulation gets its name from), this type of material is considerably more flexible than other materials. The flexibility of open-cell spray foam is beneficial for seasonal expansion and contraction, which homeowners may notice as the house "settles" throughout the year as the temperature changes. The ability to adjust to the building's movements helps to prevent air leaks, which can be problematic even as the tiniest of openings and cracks within the building envelope.

Understand Your Options with Help From Local Pros

It's important to remember that there are several variables that can impact the effectiveness of the insulation material. Everything from building codes, the climate zone, and even regular household activities can influence your choice of material. Consulting your local insulation professionals can provide more information on how closed-cell spray foam can contribute to your home's comfort, safety, and savings.


While you don’t need to become the next insulation expert in your neighborhood, it’s important to have a general understanding of the insulation being installed in your home. With our free evaluations, your local team at Koala Insulation of Pearland can not only help you understand the current condition of your home’s insulation and air sealing but also what upgrades could benefit you the best. You and your household can make informed decisions that revolve around your current schedule and budget with the additional knowledge of what materials you’re having installed throughout your home. To learn more about the insulation and air sealing material that can impact your environment, contact Koala Insulation of Pearland today and schedule your free evaluation.

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