Are You Living In A Haunted House Or Do You Have Poor Insulation?

Halloween turns the fall season's chills and thrills into a spooky endeavor. However, don't let all of the ghost films lead you to believe those cold spots are from an uninvited guest lingering in your home. In fact, it could be something even scarier – something that's been increasing your monthly bills and energy waste!
Feeling A Chill Run Through You
If your home is underinsulated with poor air sealing, the drafts and cold spots you’re feeling aren’t necessarily from the dearly departed! Instead, it’s because of openings throughout the building envelope, like around window sills, door jambs, and other outdoor connecting areas.
If you're a first-time homeowner or you've recently purchased an older home (like the spooky castle up the street), your first steps should be to check these areas for gaps and cracks during a home walkthrough. Consult an industry expert to reveal even more hidden spaces in areas that are hard to reach, such as throughout the attic, around the ceiling, or in crawl spaces.
It’s important to tackle these issues as soon as possible; these simple cracks can end up increasing health hazards, reducing comfort, and even racking up your utility bills! Outdoor air decreases indoor air quality while also bringing in irritants like allergens and pollutants. Instead of scheduling a seance to contact a potential spirit in your home, call your local insulation professionals to check for air leaks.
Is It Poor Insulation Or A Ghostly Roommate?
The primary function of insulation is to reduce heat transfer, which is the rate at which heat enters and exits a building. Air sealing contributes to this temperature regulation by sealing any air leaks, keeping your home at the desired temperature plugged into the thermostat. This is how you can keep conditioned air and desired heat inside your home by reducing the influence of outdoor temperatures.
Are You Feeling An Eerie Presence?
During the colder months, it may be easier to explain the chilly feeling you get when walking around your home. But what’s the explanation when these drafts and cold spots continue into the summer? Don’t ignore the signs just because of the spooky, chilly season – waiting too long to investigate could lead to bigger problems when you notice the persistent chill in the summer!
Tackling deteriorated insulation and air sealing is crucial. Although there are a number of materials that can potentially last up to 15 years, damage, weathering, and even pest infestation can significantly increase the rate of deterioration. If issues like moisture are left hidden for too long, you may even risk an increase in health hazards for things like mold. If you’re feeling a chill run down your spine, call your local experts for an evaluation!
Is A Specter Floating Through Your Walls?
Although you may be familiar with the insulation in your attic, did you know it also needs to be adequately applied all throughout the house? One of the most important of these places is within your walls. In addition to temperature regulation, wall insulation helps with noise reduction and structural support.
Don't attribute colder rooms to a ghostly visitor. Instead, the temperature changes from one end of the house to the next could be because there's low-quality insulation or inadequate coverage. When the inside of your home doesn't have proper material coverage, heat moves through walls and floors without restraint. Air leaks also disrupt airflow, which could contribute to chilly areas and discomfort.
At Koala Insulation of Pearland, we use industry practices like thermal imaging to better understand the current condition of your home's insulation which could be more difficult to see. With these results, our team of insulation professionals can help you find problem areas and determine if you're in need of an update.
Are You Walking In A Ghost’s Footsteps?
Have you ever felt like you were walking on ice as you paced around your home without shoes on? Regardless of whether you live in a multi-story home, have a basement, or just a simple crawl space, the floorboards are another crucial place that needs insulation installed.
It may come as a surprise, but underfloor insulation is one of the primary contributors to a safer, more comfortable home. A properly insulated and air-sealed floor reduces air leaks, pest infestation, and hidden moisture. This area helps control airflow and protects against the cold outdoors. When underinsulated, your floors could contribute up to 10% of the heat loss in your home!
The Department of Energy’s Energy Saver provides more information on where your home should have adequate insulation. With Koala Insulation of Pearland’s free evaluations, we can help to answer any questions you have about your home’s insulation coverage and locate areas that may have been overlooked for years.
Who Can You Call? Hold Off On The Paranormal Experts
Luckily, upgrading your home’s insulation and air sealing is a lot more simple than trying to banish an unwanted presence in your home. Regardless of whether the recent release of your family horror movie has you a little more on edge about the chills in your home, it’s important to get a second opinion about what could be haunting your home. Is it a ghost or just the outdoor air making its way through the unsealed cracks and underinsulated floorboards?
Our insulation professionals are ready to help solve this mystery with cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions! Our free insulation evaluations give your household the opportunity to find pain points and develop a plan that takes into account your current schedule and budget. Contact Koala Insulation of Pearland today to schedule your evaluation and learn more about how upgraded materials could improve your environment.
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