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5 Energy Efficiency Changes to Improve Your Pearland Home

5 Energy Efficiency Changes to Improve Your Pearland Home


When it comes to making upgrades and changes throughout a house, it's important to keep in mind the environmental impact of your space. Learning more about energy-efficient practices and standards can help you and your household make better decisions on upcoming purchases and upgrades. Not only could these updated materials and appliances impact the comfort and safety of your home, but they could also help to decrease the house's energy usage and monthly costs.


There are two ways you can start adjusting your environment to use less energy, starting with small changes and working your way up to bigger impacts. While the small changes may not seem to have an immediate effect, it’s important to remember that combining several minor changes adds up at the end of the month. On the other hand, while you’ll see a change sooner from larger adjustments, these will often cost more. As such, it’s important to have an understanding of the changes you’re making, mix up your options, and learn more about how you can improve the energy efficiency of your home.

Small Changes

  1. Water Habits

When you're trying to improve the environmental impact of your home, simple changes and minor modifications can easily get pushed to the end of the list. However, there are many common facts that homeowners forget could have a significant influence on their environment: baths use about four times more water than a shower, avoid running half-loads in the washing machine or dishwasher, and turn the water off while brushing your teeth. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has more ways you can make simple adjustments in your water habits to help your household reduce waste and even lower your energy bills. Reducing your water usage may seem like pennies on the dollar, but the change adds up at the end of the month!

  1. An Energy Audit

When you schedule an energy audit with local industry experts, they conduct a detailed investigation to determine how much energy is currently used by your household. From this evaluation, they then develop an analysis of the energy flow and pinpoint where energy may be wasted the most often. This can cover everything from the floors of your home to the roof! While the primary goal of an energy audit is to target pain points, these investigations can also offer solutions for specific issues. With this analysis, you and your household have a better idea of areas that can potentially conserve energy and improve efficiency.

  1. Incandescent Bulbs

The incandescent light bulbs you may find throughout the house are considered “old fashioned” for a few very good reasons. These problematic appliances are being phased out of recommended use because they have short lifespans, high heat production, and are considered extremely inefficient when it comes to energy usage. When you find older incandescent bulbs throughout your home, it’s important to take the time to consider switching them out with compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) or LED light bulbs. These products not only last longer and provide more light but they also use significantly less energy to help reduce costs.

Bigger Impacts

  1. Insulation & Air Sealing

When you consider replacing old and deteriorated insulation and air sealing throughout your home, it's true that this is a more costly project than just changing a few light bulbs or turning off the faucet more often. However, replacing poor material also provides a higher return on investment with the opportunity to increase the value of your home and improve the comfort and safety of your environment. In addition to better value, newer insulation and air sealing also reduce your energy waste, utility costs, your savings over time.


A recent study by the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) found that about 90% of U.S. homes are under-insulated, accounting for high energy costs, irregular temperatures, and discomfort. The primary purpose of insulation is to reduce heat transfer, which is the rate at which heat enters and exits a structure. When paired with quality air sealing, which is a material necessary to reduce air leaks, your home has better climate control capabilities and reduced energy costs to heat and cool the house.

  1. Switch to Energy Star

Energy Star appliances are designed to meet the energy efficiency standards and specifications that are described by the Environmental Protection Agency. These products use up to 15% less energy than standard appliances and reduce greenhouse emissions. In many places, purchases of Energy Star products like refrigerators, air conditioners, and more are eligible for residential tax credits.


Energy Star designs its devices to improve your energy usage and savings without heavily affecting your budget. While you and your household don't necessarily need to ditch your current appliances this month, it's an important option to consider when you're making upgrades throughout the years. You can learn more about Energy Star products and the EPA's standards for energy-efficient buildings on their website here.


Increase Energy Efficiency with the Help of Local Experts

When it comes to making home improvements, many homeowners are turning their focus to energy-efficient upgrades. In many cases, however, even a few small adjustments can improve your environmental impact while also increasing savings. More in-depth changes like updated insulation and certified Energy Star appliances will have an even higher impact on your energy costs. As you navigate new purchases, budget modifications, and home renovations, keeping energy efficiency at the forefront of your decision-making process can positively influence your environment and community.


At Koala Insulation of Pearland, our team of industry experts understands the need to have cost-effective opportunities available that can also improve your home’s energy efficiency. We offer free evaluations so you and your household can make informed decisions based on the current condition of your home’s insulation and air sealing. With this detailed breakdown of the material through the building, you can balance your schedule and budget while also keeping in mind the comfort, safety, and environmental impact of your home. If you’re interested in learning more about how insulation and air sealing can impact your environment, contact Koala Insulation of Pearland today and schedule your free evaluation.

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