Fiberglass vs. Cellulose Insulation|Koala Insulation of North Houston

If you want to install insulation in your home, you'll be confronted with a choice; fiberglass or cellulose? Professional insulation contractors can work with both, but that doesn't mean they are equal. Each has its own pros and cons. Here's what you should know before you make a decision.
Fiberglass insulation
Fiberglass is the most widely used type of insulation thanks to its longevity, moisture resistance, ability to muffle noise and affordable cost. You'll recognize this as the fluffy pink material in your walls. This type comes in "batts," which are rolls of insulation attached to adhesive paper or aluminum foil, or as small chucnks of loose fill that is blown into empty spaces.
Fiberglass is generally faster to install, though homeowners should be careful with DIY installations–fiberglass can be dangerous if handled improperly. Fiberglass is also resistant to mold and mildew and is naturally nonflammble.
However, fiberlass batts can be difficult to customize for unique architecture since each has to be cut to fit.
Cellulose insulation
Cellulose insulation is made of predominantly recycle materials, such as pulped newspaper and shredded wood. Instead of batts, this kind of insulation is either blown in dry when installed into existing homes, or it's sprayed on wet during new construction. It can also be installed behind nettings stapled to the voids in your walls.
Cellulose typically costs even less than fiberglass, and the flexible installation process makes it suitable for most homes. As with fiberglass, cellulose gives off a lot of dust, so homeowners should work with an insulation contractor to ensure it is installed safely.
Cellulose that gets wet can atract pests and create an environment suitable for mold so you must quickly repair structural damage and leaks.
If you want to bring down your energy bills, turn to the expert insulation contractos at Koala Insulation of North Houston. Located in Magnolia, TX, they provide high-quality installation and maintenance services for homeowners throughout Montgomery and Harris counties. Visit their website to learn more about their services, or call (281) 749-1794 today to schedule a free evaluation and estimate.
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