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How To Lower Your Energy Bills | Koala Insulation | Michigan

As the weather gets colder, your energy bills tend to rise. Luckily, from focusing on your home insulation to using heaters in strategic ways, there are things you can do which will help ensure your home stays cozy and your bills stay low.

5 Tips for Increasing Energy Efficiency in Cold Weather

1. Weather-Proof Doors & Windows

Adding weather stripping around doors and windows will help protect your home from drafts. It will also ensure less thermal exchange, which is when hot air is lost through gaps in any areas that lead to the outside.

2. Air Seal Your Home

In addition to weather-proofing doors and windows, air sealing can help ensure that no other gaps or under-insulated areas are causing thermal exchange. The air-sealing process involves checking your home for any places that may be under-insulated or causes of concern.

3. Upgrade Your Thermostat

Many thermostats are set at a static temperature that remains the same at all times of the day. However, this can become wasteful when you are not at home. Consider installing a smart thermostat, which will allow you to set timers and even raise or lower your temperature when you are away from home. If you work away from home, consider lowering your thermostat by ten degrees while you are away. If you have a smart thermostat, you can turn the degrees back up when you are on your way home, so you come back to a cozy house.

4.  Increase Your Home Insulation

Around 90% of US homes are under-insulated, which means that many houses do not efficiently retain heat when needed. Understanding how well insulated your home is and whether you have any areas that could have increased protection from the outside world will help ensure that your home stays comfortable in any weather.

5. Schedule Yearly Maintenance for Your Heating System

Having a smoothly running heating system will help you stay energy efficient. In addition to having filters changed on a routine basis, scheduling system cleanings at the start of each new season will ensure that your system is ready to go. Finally, always try to schedule a routine system check-up at least once a year, as this will help you catch any maintenance issues that may cause malfunctions or loss of energy efficiency.

Keeping your home warm and your bills low is an essential aspect of having a happy winter. If you have questions about your home insulation or are planning insulation installation, turn to the experts at Koala Insulation of Michiana in Michigan and Mishawaka, IN. With over 15 years of experience, they work hard to ensure customers are satisfied with every installation. They use high-quality products and offer highly competitive prices. Customers in Michigan should call (269) 266-3689 or visit this website, while customers in Indiana should call (574) 544-6433 or visit this website


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