Does your home have asbestos insulation in Overland Park?

Does Your Home Need Asbestos Insulation Removal? Overland Park Homeowners, Beware Of Top Warning Signs!
Before asbestos was deemed a harmful mineral, people would use asbestos material for a wide range of purposes. One of them was for construction, where it was used as a building material for ceiling installation and insulation. And during the war, hospitals would use asbestos blankets for their thermal and insulating qualities. It wasn’t until scientists realized in the 1970s that asbestos was proven to be a hazardous material for human health. You might have heard of asbestos in the ceilings of older homes. Exactly these homes are at high risk of having asbestos insulation. Removal services in Overland Park and surrounding areas are highly recommended.
Our local Overland Park insulation experts at Koala Insulation bring many years of experience in the construction and home service sectors. They are highly proficient in insulation removal and installation and are aware of important safety guidelines. Whether you need help with asbestos testing or a professional asbestos insulation removal service, our insulation pros are here to help! Learn all you need to know about this toxic mineral and how to detect it.
What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is composed of many fibrous crystals. These toxic fibers are made of many microscopic, polymeric fibrils that, when abraded, are easily released into the air. You could describe that as asbestos dust. There are different types of asbestos with technical names. But to name the common ones, there is white, brown, and blue asbestos.
There is archaeological evidence that asbestos was used to build ceramic items, such as pots. But it wasn’t until the 19th century that people began asbestos mining projects because they were fascinated with its thermal and insulating properties. Furthermore, it is highly fire-resistant and viewed as an incredibly safe option for house-building materials.
In the late 1970s, people started to worry about asbestos products in their homes, whether it was used for fireproofing or similar. Popcorn ceilings are known to contain this mineral. There are also asbestos pipe insulation products that used to be popular back in the day to prevent freezing pipes.
Although banned since the 1970s, there were still millions of asbestos-containing materials and products sold and used throughout the world in the 1990s. Thus, these products were installed in homes in the form of popcorn ceilings, house sidings, and—attic insulation.
Does Your Home Have Asbestos Insulation?
Detecting asbestos insulation visually is tricky. Plus, if you were dealing with that toxic mineral, you do not want to go near it without hiring a licensed professional. Formerly, it was used in loose-fill (cellulose insulation) and spray-on, but even then, it’s difficult to determine if you are not familiar with insulation materials.
Homeowners are highly advised to keep a good record of their home’s systems, especially their home insulation, such as when it was installed or last inspected. Older homes that have been neglected and, as a result, suffered from a lack of energy efficiency and other issues should be inspected with care. If you decide to venture into an attic inspection, we highly recommend that you take the necessary safety precautions. That includes wearing a respirator with a HEPA-filtered cartridge, safety glasses, and a protective suit. Or you can save yourself the risk and hassle by hiring a certified and fully insured insulation specialist. They will appear with their safety gear and ready to get to work. It may only take them a few minutes to tell whether you have asbestos in your attic. And the next moment, we’ll be discussing with you the process for asbestos insulation removal. Overland Park residents who do decide to check for themselves, remember your safety gear!
Warning Signs You Need Asbestos Insulation Removal | Overland Park
If you’re unsure whether you might have asbestos insulation in your attic, look out for these warning signs:
- Old documentation of your home’s first insulation installation service that states the brand name “Zonolite.” This means you have vermiculite insulation in place, which looks like small pebbles. Vermiculite is also a natural mineral but non-toxic. It has the quality of expanding in the heat and helps soil aerate and retain water and nutrients. But Zonolite combines vermiculite with asbestos, which contaminates these pebbles. Vermiculite has a gray-brown-gold color and may be safe when left undisturbed. But it is not safe if you were to plan a home remodeling project and various house repairs.
- Old spray-on insulation is unlike modern-day spray foam insulation and can contain up to 85% of asbestos. Any spray coatings done in 2011 and before should be inspected and potentially removed. 2011 was the final year when the last asbestos mines in North America were closed for good. Despite the nationwide ban in 2003, it still took years for the laws to put an end to asbestos mining. This even puts newer homes at risk of having asbestos-containing materials. However, spray-on was widely used in commercial buildings and easily identifiable as a thick layer of gray coating.
- Blanket and loose-fill insulation looks like today’s product and may contain the toxic mineral, but it’s harder to tell without professional testing. Often, knowing the date it was installed and from whom you purchased it would give you the answer.
Asbestos Insulation Removal, Overland Park
It takes only minutes for our Koala team to detect the presence of this toxic fibrous mineral. To ensure future safety and energy efficiency, we’ll discuss with you the step-by-step process of asbestos insulation removal. Overland Park residents who need a vermiculite insulation removal service can depend on our high level of professionalism to get the job done safely and efficiently.
How We Approach Asbestos Insulation Removal
Our professional insulation removal experts will be wearing their industry protective gear and have all the relevant and certified equipment in place for the service. We have a very controlled removal process that guarantees not to disturb the rest of your house. This way, you and your family are protected throughout the entire process. But some homeowners may feel safer leaving the house during the asbestos insulation removal. Overland Park residents are welcome to do so.
After the removal, our certified pros will conduct an inspection of your attic space. This allows us to detect and fix other existing issues that might pose a problem. For example, air sealing is an important process that involves sealing gaps around your window frames, electrical wires, ducting system, and on your attic floor. We’ll also sanitize the space before we move on to the long-awaited new insulation installation service!
FAQs About Asbestos Insulation
What Health Risks Does Asbestos Insulation Have?
All symptoms begin after breathing in asbestos fibers, from shortness of breath to excessive coughing and wheezing. More serious symptoms include chest pain and clubbed fingertips. All of which could lead to lung scarring (asbestosis), or worse, if you don’t quickly remove yourself from asbestos exposure. The risk of prolonged exposure can lead to:
- Lung cancer
- Asbestosis (lung scarring)
- Pleural thickening, pleural plaques
- Laryngeal cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Mesothelioma
- Other asbestos-related cancer
How Much Does Asbestos Insulation Removal in Overland Park Cost?
The cost of an insulation removal service depends on the complexity, the square feet of your attic, and the type of insulation our experts have to remove. We highly recommend that our customers give us a call at (816) 929-8255 to discuss the situation in more detail. Since there are health risks involved that require utmost caution, we feel obligated to inform you about every step of the process before we provide you with the cost estimate.
Can I Perform Asbestos Removal in Overland Park By Myself?
Although it is not illegal for you to perform the removal by yourself, it is not recommended. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, you are encouraged to hire a licensed professional. They are fully insured and experienced and know how to effectively handle this type of job without jeopardizing anyone’s health. There is too much of a risk of exposure when you embark on a DIY project without any experience.
Is It More Cost-Effective To Choose Repair or Asbestos Insulation Removal?
Overland Park homeowners may believe it’s easier to opt for repair and it is cheaper for sure. But it remains a health hazard in the future. When comparing affordability with safety, we highly recommend the removal of asbestos in your attic. That’s especially true if you’re already overdue for an insulation replacement. Long-term benefits will include improved energy efficiency, reduced energy costs, and increased safety for everyone at home!
Need Professional Asbestos Insulation Removal? Overland Park Can Count On The Team At Koala Insulation!
If you live in an older home and its energy efficiency is lacking due to old insulation, you may need a professional for asbestos testing. With trusted asbestos insulation removal, Overland Park residents will benefit from increased safety and comfort.
Contact us today at (816) 929-8255 to speak with a knowledgeable customer service rep about your concerns. We proudly serve the locals of Overland Park and the surrounding areas of South Kansas City, including Leawood, Raytown, and Prairie Village.
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