Prioritize Energy Efficiency in Your Home | Koala Insulation of Grand Rapids

Energy efficiency is becoming more of a priority for many homeowners. We are all looking for ways to save money right now, and reducing your energy usage is one of the best ways to do that!
While simple changes and swaps around your home can help you use less energy, you should focus on proper insulation and sealing up air leaks to ensure your home is running as efficiently as possible.
What Is Energy Efficiency?
Keeping it simple, energy efficiency is using less energy to perform the same task or produce the same result as other less efficient methods. Using the latest and most advanced technology, energy-efficient homes use less energy to heat and cool the inside air, run appliances and power electronics.
Energy efficiency is also an eco-friendly aspect of your home that is becoming increasingly popular in today’s housing market. By focusing on making important changes and upgrades, you can greatly improve your home’s efficiency and your resale value.
Swaps Around the House
Investing in your windows and doors is a great place to start! Swapping out your old windows for triple-pane or newer, more energy-efficient ones can help stop stubborn air leaks and slow the heat transfer process. Stopping a draft can directly impact your unnecessary heat loss and can actually lower your energy bill.
You can also do simple things like swapping out your older light bulbs with LED ones and just being mindful to turn things off when you aren’t actively using them. These small changes can be helpful, but you really should consider having us come out to do a free evaluation of your current insulation!
How Insulation Can Help
A properly insulated home circulates air more efficiently, meaning that you are getting the most out of your HVAC system and the energy produced by it. If the air in your home is able to circulate without escaping too quickly, you won’t need as much energy in order to stay comfortable.
This efficiency will lead to lower energy bills for years, and eventually you will make your money back on your investment! All of that sounds good to us, and hopefully it sounds good to you as well. When you are ready to improve your home’s energy efficiency, give us a call!
Invest in your home’s efficiency with new insulation. Contact us at Koala Insulation of Grand Rapids to learn more.
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