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How to tell if your attic is not properly insulated | Koala Insulation

Many homeowners often overlook insulation, as it's not a visible part of their house. However, lacking proper insulation can lead to several costly issues. If you're wondering whether you need an insulation service professional to upgrade your residence, keep an eye out for the following problems.

How to Tell if Your Attic Isn't Properly Insulated 

1. High Energy Bills 

Thin, gapped, or insufficient attic insulation allows external temperatures to penetrate the interior of your home. As a result, it causes the HVAC system to run continuously, cycle on and off frequently, or work harder to maintain a comfortable indoor environment. All of these situations lead to higher energy statements.

If your utility expenses have risen without changing your routine and power usage, compare your current costs to those of the same month last year. Contact Koala Insulation of Grand Rapids to check the attic material if you detect an abnormal increase.

2. Mold or Moisture in the Attic

Without proper insulation and ventilation, moisture can collect in the attic. This situation compromises your home's structure and leads to costly problems like rotten framing and damaged ceilings. The damp environment will also encourage mold growth, with its spores circulating throughout the home via the HVAC system. The fungal substance can cause several health problems, so have a professional replace the insulation right away if you detect it.

3. Pests

Bugs, mice, squirrels and even raccoons will enter the home through gaps in the structure and burrow in the insulation, creating a nest and tunnels. These critters will leave behind holes in the material and droppings around the room. If you detect these creatures in the attic, you'll need to have a licensed insulation contractor discard the existing insulation and replace it with a new material at a higher volume to prevent the problem from happening again. We even have an attic disinfecting enzyme that will eliminate odors in attics.

Upgrade your attic insulation with help from Koala Insulation of Grand Rapids. We are a trusted, licensed and insured insulation contractor who specialize in installing and removing insulation.  Learn how we can help you maintain a comfortable home environment from our website, and call (616) 333-6667 to request a free estimate.

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