Attic Insulation benefits you and your roof

How Attic Insulation Benefits You and Your Roof
Helps prevent ice dams:
Heat from your home escapes through your ceiling into your attic if you don’t have the proper insulation. During the winter, your shingles are at a higher temperature. Warmer shingles may melt the snow sitting on top of them. As temperatures drop, or as the meltwater finds its way to the eaves (which are colder), it refreezes as ice. This is called an ice dam. Ice dams can have a negative impact on your roof performance and shingle life. They increase your risk for leaks and may damage your gutters. Proper insulation is the best way to prevent this. You should also ensure your attic is properly ventilated with a solar attic fan The Attic Depot | Wholesale Solar Attic Fans.
Prevents interstitial condensation:
Interstitial condensation occurs in between the layers of your roof it occurs when warm and cool air meet and create condensation or water droplets. These droplets can build up and damage your roof materials. However, adequate insulation prevents heat transfer through the roof and therefore minimizes the risk of condensation between its layers.
Easier to heat and cool:
When you have quality attic insulation, more heat stays in your home through the winter, and less radiates down from your attic in the summer. This resistance to heat makes it more affordable to heat or cool your home to the temperature you’re comfortable with.
Longer life from HVAC appliances:
Furnaces, air conditioners and other HVAC units may last longer when they don’t need to work as hard. In contrast, furnaces that run all the time to keep up with heat loss through your attic are more likely to develop problems and may have a shorter life span.
More consistent temperatures:
Attic insulation keeps conditioned air in the home, instead of allowing it to escape through your ceilings, which may make your rooms a more consistent temperature from ceiling to floor. This can make you more comfortable in your home, especially if you have cathedral ceilings.
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