3 Foolproof Ways to Make Your Home More Efficient | Koala Insulation

We have enough going on in our daily lives, so we need to be able to rely on our homes to take care of us and perform their expected tasks day in and day out without much intervention on our part. We also don’t want to be spending more money or using more energy than is needed to get the job done! That’s where energy efficiency comes into play. Making small upgrades around your home will have a serious impact on your bills and your home’s energy usage. Make these upgrades this season and start experiencing the difference of an energy-efficient home.
1. Focus on Solar Energy
Utilizing the power of the sun is obviously eco-friendly, but did you know that it is a really efficient form of energy? Beyond the initial effort of installation, solar panels work without having to rely on the power grid or a constant flow of electricity. They will just quietly convert the sun’s rays into usable energy without any added cost to you.
One easy way to step into the world of solar power is through a solar attic fan. Attic fans use solar energy to turn a fan that helps push hot and humid air out of your home in order to replace it with cool, drier air. This helps your entire home function more efficiently and stay at a more uniform temperature.
2. Sealing Up Air Leaks
Fresh breezes in the summertime and crisp air in the fall can feel great flowing through our homes, but you definitely want to control when those breezes occur. Gaps or cracks around your windows, doors, recessed lighting or skylights can all contribute to drafts and unnecessary energy loss.
You are not only paying to cool down the air outside at this point, but your HVAC system has to work so much harder to constantly replace the air that is being lost.
We can stop those air leaks from occurring by air sealing around them and then adding a layer of insulation if needed. We also suggest investing in a storm door for your main entryway. Storm doors are great insulators and can stop up to 50% more energy loss.
3. Tackle Your Insulation
Believe it or not, properly insulating your home is the best thing you can do in terms of energy efficiency. The better your home is at reducing energy loss, the less your HVAC system has to work to combat any temperature swings. This directly results in less energy use and a more reasonable power bill.
Our skilled team can come out to your home to identify areas that need an insulation boost, and we can tackle your project simply and efficiently so that you can immediately enjoy a cooler and more efficient home without straining your wallet.
We can help make your entire home more efficient. Contact us at Koala Insulation of Grand Rapids.
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