
The Importance of Attic Disinfectant and Deodorizer for Carolina Homes

When was the last time you added “Inspect The Attic” to your Spring Cleaning list? Many homeowners neglect this space until it’s time to pull down decorations or old storage. Unfortunately, ignoring the space right above your head can lead to some serious issues for your comfort, safety, and even your regular energy costs.

If you're struggling to recall the last time you had a thorough sweep-through of your attic, it's time to schedule some attic decontamination with your local Greenville area professionals.

What Is Attic Decontamination?

An attic decontamination process consists of inspection, disinfection, and deodorization. The inspection is arguably the easiest part - for experts. If you’re attempting a DIY project, this might take longer if you’re not familiar with what to look out for. Be on guard for signs that may not seem like major problems at first but can uncover deeper secrets:

  • Leaks: Small water problems are always a sign of larger water hazards. If you see a leak in the roof, by a pipe, or even just a seemingly random wet spot, you may have a larger, hidden problem on your hands. The leak location and surrounding area need to be examined for cracks or holes that are the result of unnoticed damage which could reveal pests, broken pipes, or roof decay.
  • Disturbed Insulation: If you see compressed insulation or material that looks like it’s been moved around, you’re likely looking at an intruder alert. Pests that are desperate for a safe nesting area will tear into insulation batts or burrow under blown-in material to hide themselves and bring back food or babies.

If you see something that doesn’t look right, don’t hesitate to call in an expert for a second professional opinion. Having an initial idea of potential problems is good, but having confirmation from an industry leader is best.


After locating problematic areas, it’s time to start cleaning the space. Removing junk, dusting, and sanitizing the area helps to get rid of any grime or debris that may be hiding moisture, mold, or pests. There are many home remedies that can work for general clean up but professionals have industry tools that are high-quality mildew and dirt removers.

Every surface of the floors, walls, and ceiling needs to be vacuumed and dusted to get rid of lingering bacteria. Afterward, your local expert will often use a disinfectant covering that works as a preventative layer. This helps to reduce the impact of any damages that may occur after a sudden accident or storm soon after the cleaning.


If you have a musty smell in your attic, the solution could be as simple as using natural ingredients like vinegar or baking soda to neutralize the odor. This is helpful for humid homes, after storms, or even after discovering a spill. However, if you’ve discovered something more serious like a pest infestation, you’re going to need a stronger product to get rid of the dank scent.

Professionals use deodorizers to help get rid of lingering smells from animal feces, mildew, and rotten wood. Blocked vents can also create an unpleasant scent in your attic and stagnant air holds onto offensive odors. Deodorizing your attic is an important step you shouldn’t neglect; rancid and sickening smells can permeate throughout a building even if the source of the issue has been cleaned up. Think of any time you’ve had to clean a hidden spill in your refrigerator - the scent can linger for days or even weeks if not properly deodorized.

Prioritize Attic Cleaning

Scheduling a regular inspection and cleaning of your attic is an important step in improving the health and comfort of both your home and those within it. It's not only a measure to keep the area well-organized with up-to-date materials but it also acts as a preventative service. Keeping an eye on the condition of your home is the best way to target problem areas and remove the source of an issue before it can have a lasting impact.

Pest Infestation

If you’ve ever had the displeasure of encountering insects or rodents in your home, you know it’s hard to weed out every nook and cranny they may be hiding. Getting a pest removal service is an expensive process and cleaning afterward can take several tries to completely remove their hiding spots, feces, and smell. Regularly inspecting and cleaning your attic can help you eliminate holes and gaps for them to hide in, clean out old material that can serve as nesting, and locate any entry points that could allow for unwanted guests.

Damaged Or Deteriorated Insulation

Attic insulation unfortunately falls "out of sight, out of mind" for too many homeowners. Although this is typically your first line of defense for energy efficiency against heat transfer, it can be hard to tell when the material needs to be updated for an inexperienced individual. Scheduling a free evaluation with your local experts at Koala Insulation of Greenville is the starting point for quality attic health. These materials need to be regularly removed and replaced to get rid of old, damaged, and deteriorated material that is no longer keeping your home safe and comfortable.

Material Safety

In addition to locating rodent nests and insulation problems, regular attic cleaning gives you the opportunity to look out for the items you may have stored in this space. Even if you don't use the attic as an additional storage space, many important wires and pipes run through this area. Inspection, disinfectant, and deodorization help to reduce the hazardous effects of moisture, dust, and other contaminants.

Find Your Local Carolina Professionals Around The Corner

Adding a space for attic inspection to your spring cleaning list isn't going to take up as much time as you may expect. Instead, an inspection and cleaning will take at most two trips for an experienced crew. A clean attic is an effective way to improve your comfort and safety throughout the year when costly maintenance and repairs aren't needed. To schedule your free evaluation, call Koala Insulation of Greenville today to learn more about how taking care of your attic can start saving your wallet every month.

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