Tired of Holiday Music? Insulation Can Help Soundproof An Albuquerque

Right after Halloween wraps up, many department stores are selling holiday decorations, local streets are putting up decorative snowflakes and wreaths, and a majority of the radio stations are already playing Christmas tunes back to back. Regardless of whether you’re dedicated to keeping November for Thanksgiving or you’re just looking for a break from all of that Yuletide Cheer, the jolly carols can begin to get under your skin rather quickly.
Don’t worry, you’re not going to be considered the neighborhood Scrooge just because you’d rather not have “All I Want for Christmas” on repeat. Whether you’re trying to reduce the noise of the neighborhood children out for winter break or you're tired of hearing a household member blast “Last Christmas” after a rough pre-holiday break up, Koala Insulation of Albuquerque and Santa Fe can help solve your noise complaints with quality insulation soundproofing.
What is Sound Proofing?
When you consider the insulation in your home, your first thought as a homeowner may be on the benefits of temperature regulation. While decreasing the rate of heat transfer is the primary function of the material inside your attic, walls, and floors, insulation can increase the benefits of several other factors – namely noise regulation and cancellation.
Soundproofing is the reduction of sound pressure; it reduces the rate at which sound waves move through a structure, reducing noise pollution in an area. When you have quality coverage and properly installed insulation, the material not only regulates the temperature of the building but also reduces the ability of sound waves to travel. This makes your house much quieter overall. Soundproofing with insulation in your home can keep the noise outside at bay while also keeping the clamor from something like your living room TV from spreading across the entire house.
How Does Insulation Reduce Noise?
In order to effectively reduce noise, a material is needed to enclose a space and stop sound waves from penetrating walls and other structures within your home. In the same way, insulation reduces the rate at which heat travels through your home, it can also prevent sound from moving room to room, from outside, or even from floor to floor.
From the Outside
Without quality insulation properly installed and covering crucial areas in your home, the loud noises from outside can become exhaustive and overwhelming. From car horns and nearby traffic to passing conversations, the noise pollution is often an unwelcome racket throughout the house. The sound is reduced significantly when deteriorated insulation is removed and replaced. The most commonly known insulation used for soundproofing is fiberglass insulation. The heavier this type of insulation is applied throughout your home’s walls, floors, and in between ceiling joists, the noticeably the incoming noise is dampened.
Most of the sounds coming from outside are classified as "airborne noise." This includes the commotion from cars, people, and your typical neighborhood activity. The sound pressure is significantly reduced with proper insulation and the outside din is less capable of penetrating your walls. After retrofitting their current insulation, many homeowners note that the first noticeable difference is not being able to hear the passing of cars, especially if they're in a more populated area.
From Other Rooms
While making sure the walls facing outside are effectively insulated is a great step toward quality soundproofing, it's only the first move forward. Having your interior walls and floors evaluated is also crucial to ensure you have efficient coverage. Otherwise, not only will you notice irregular heating and cooling throughout the house, but you'll also easily hear activity from room to room and even between floors.
The most common areas for noise to easily travel in your home are where the rooms and floors connect. It's important to note that updated insulation won't entirely stop sound waves from traveling through your home. However, it does reduce the noise pollution across the house and will help contain the noise within the originating room. Now you'll be able to keep your roommate's Jingle Bells remix at bay for a little while longer.
Choosing Insulation Material
Now that you have a better idea of how insulation impacts noise reduction and suppressing sound, what are your next moves? First, you need to determine which material works best for your home's needs. It's important to note that you don't need to fill your walls, floors, and ceiling with the same kind or type of material. For example, while you may have fiberglass batts installed in the ceilings and lower floors, spray foam may be more effective for walls and in between the ceiling joists in your attic.
When it comes to choosing the right insulation material for your home, Koala Insulation of Albuquerque and Santa Fe can provide a more in-depth analysis of the house's requirements. In addition to the professional experience of our insulation experts, we have more information on choosing insulation and comparing the benefits of each in this article. Our technicians put a significant focus on being cost-effective and energy-efficient. While we focus on installing high-quality material that prioritizes comfort and safety, it's also important to take into account your time and budget.
Improve Sound Control with Your Local Industry Experts
Unfortunately, without studio-grade soundproofing installed throughout your home and along your walls, it's nearly impossible to completely cancel out any and all noise – especially from any insistent Christmas carolers patrolling your neighborhood. Luckily, with quality material installed by our team at Koala Insulation of Albuquerque and Santa Fe, you can ensure target areas have properly installed insulation covering easily penetrable points in your walls and floors.
With improved insulation and air sealing, your household also has the additional benefit of increasing your energy efficiency while reducing your monthly energy costs. After scheduling a free evaluation, our technicians provide a detailed breakdown of your home’s current condition. From there, you and your household have a general overview of what’s working and what isn’t. Contact Koala Insulation of Albuquerque and Santa Fe to learn more about how insulation can improve sound cancellation and schedule a free evaluation.
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