Insulation to reduce energy bills
With rising costs all around, many people are feeling the pinch of their tight budgets. One of the biggest contributors to this financial strain is likely to be the cost of electricity, which has seen an astonishing 14.3% surge in 2022 - more than double the overall inflation rate. With no sign of slowing electricity inflation, FPL predicts an increase of 7.5% for 1000-kilowatt-hour-bills over the months of January and February this year. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics)
In an attempt to curb inflation, the government is offering tax credits through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The IRA was signed into law in 2022 and aims to reduce the cost of energy efficiency upgrades for homes and businesses. The act provides financial incentives for homeowners and businesses to make home improvements that significantly reduce energy consumption. These improvements can include insulation, air sealing, and other energy-saving measures which can help reduce energy costs and improve the air quality in your home.
Insulation to reduce energy bills
One of the most important improvements that the Inflation Reduction Act encourages is the installation of insulation in your home. Insulation acts as a barrier to prevent the entry of pollutants, allergens, and other contaminants, while also helping to regulate the temperature and humidity levels in your home. Insulation also helps keep your energy costs low by keeping the warm air in during the winter and the cool air in during the summer, which for us in South Florida means that our air conditioner units don't have to work as hard to keep our home comfortable.
By taking advantage of the incentives provided by the Inflation Reduction Act and taking steps to maintain and improve your home’s insulation, you can make your home more energy-efficient and help to improve the air quality in your home to relieve financial stress on your mind and respiratory distress on your lungs.
To get the most out of your insulation and to ensure that all areas are adequately covered, it is important to choose the right type for your home and have it installed correctly. Many homeowners therefore choose to hire insulation professionals like Koala Insulation, one of the top providers in South Florida.
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