
How spray foam can be applied in the winter in Corning NY

Winter Spray Foam Application


Many people are under the misconception that spray foam can’t be applied during winter months. While cold weather can present installation challenges, low temperatures will not put a stop to proper application of spray foam. There are certain techniques professional installers use that allow spray foam to be applied at any time during the year.

In this post we’ll talk about some of the techniques used to apply spray foam during even the coldest of months.

Keep it Warm

One of the key elements to a successful spray foam installation during the winter has to do with the product itself. By keeping the chemicals warmed to the proper temperature prior to installation, spray foam is able to be applied just as if the weather was warmer.

Each manufacturer has a set of guidelines for their spray foam chemicals that indicate the proper storage temperature that allows for successful spraying. An installation professional will know the correct storage temperature range, and will make sure the chemicals have been properly stored. Although the right temperature varies with different brands, to give you an idea of the correct temperatures, most of them are in the 60°F – 90°F range.

Keeping the chemicals at the correct temperature involves controlling storage temperatures at the shop or warehouse, the vehicle used to transport the spray, and the project area where the spray will be applied. In some cases it’s necessary to wrap the storage drums in blankets during transport to keep them at the appropriate temperature. As you can imagine, this can be a challenge, but installation technicians have been trained in this process and are up to the task.

And there’s more to it than that. Since spray foam chemicals are kept in large drums, it’s necessary to use a laser thermometer in order to verify the temperature inside a drum is correct. How’s that for high tech? And to help control temperatures, the drums have to be kept off of concrete floors. They are usually stored on top of wooden pallets.

Open cell spray foam has the additional benefit of being able to be heated to the correct temperature on site.

Ambient Air

Another factor in being able to properly apply spray foam in winter is to control the ambient air temperature in the installation area. Spray foam is less sensitive to ambient temperatures than it is to its chemical temperature, but there is still a proper temperature range for installation. Generally speaking, spray foam can be installed at ambient air temperatures from 20°F – 95°F. Again, the specific range will vary by manufacturer.

So, when the temperature drops below 20°F, does that put a stop to spray foam installation? No. A professional installer will use a portable heater to bring temperatures up to the necessary minimum in the installation area.


The substrate is the surface on which spray foam will be applied. It could be the underside of the attic roof, rafters, overhead joists in the basement, or any number of other surfaces. Similar to ambient air, the substrates need to have temperatures in the general range of 20°F – 95°F in order to apply spray foam. In addition, wood substrates need to be at a certain moisture content, usually less than 20%. The installer will use an electronic moisture meter to check moisture levels of the receiving substrate. Methods for making sure substrate temperatures are in the correct range are the same as those for setting ambient temperatures—space heaters.

An important piece of the application puzzle is to keep the ambient and substrate temperatures in the correct range for twenty-four hours after application. This gives the spray foam an opportunity to properly set up after installation.

The Proper Blend

No doubt you’ve heard of summer and winter blends for the gasoline used in your car. But did you know that closed-cell spray foam chemicals can be blended to be more suitable for different temperature installations? It’s true, and an installation professional will work with the manufacturer to obtain the correct chemical blend for each individual installation.

It’s important to note that open-cell spray foam can’t be blended for different temperatures. Other differences between open- and closed-cell spray foam can be found in other blog posts on this site.

Other Tricks

Professional installation technicians have other tricks up their sleeves when applying spray foam in winter months. And, sometimes, it’s the little things that matter.

For example, the work truck or van may have a “doggie door” installed in it that allows the smallest possible opening to snake the spray hose through. This minimizes the temperature exchange between the outdoors and the inside of the vehicle. Contrast this with what you will likely see in warmer weather installations – the doors to the cargo compartment will likely be wide open, exposing all the inner workings of the installation equipment for all to see.

Another little trick an installer will use is to insulate the installation equipment itself. That may sound funny, but the idea of insulation applies to more than just your home. Even a detail as small as wrapping the spray gun itself in special insulation helps keep the chemicals at the proper temperature just before they contact the substrate.

Your installer may ask to park their truck as close as possible to the installation location during the winter. Why? This is one more way to minimize the exposure of the hose and installation equipment to the cold outdoor air. The shorter the distance the hose has to travel from the truck to the point of spraying, the less chance the chemicals have of dropping in temperature as they travel through the hose.

And, finally, you may find your installer taking extra care not to let the spray hose touch the ground or other outdoor objects. This is one final point of care in preventing the chemicals from losing their temperature as they travel to the spray gun.

Is Winter Spray Foam Installation Right for Me?

In short, there is no reason you can’t have spray foam applied during the winter – even during the coldest of sub-zero months. If summer and fall slipped by, or if you just weren’t able to get an appointment with an installer at a different time of year, then no need to worry – winter installations are certainly possible.

An inspection by a qualified insulation expert and a consultation with that expert about your concerns and needs is the next step in learning more about insulating your home during the winter months. At Koala Insulation, our technicians are experts in all kinds of insulation materials and installation techniques. Our experts bring state-of-the-art equipment with them to thoroughly inspect your home or building top to bottom, inside and out. They will give you a detailed assessment of your home. They will design a custom solution to meet your needs, and will address your concerns about insulating your home with spray foam during the winter. And since every building is unique, your expert may suggest a combination of installation options to protect your home from cold, heat, moisture, and pests.

Don’t forget that the investment you make today will reap years of energy-saving benefits. Contact us now to schedule a consultation to start your journey toward higher energy efficiency and better protection for your home.


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